Tuesday, February 14, 2012

the Adventures of Tintin

I went to a movie thieater in international village to watch "the adventure of TinTin" 2 weeks ago on Friday. The movie is CG animation which is launch as 3D movie. When I arrived there, Chinese new year party was being held and there were so many asian people in the event holl on the ground floor. I was interest in the event. Before watching the movie I walked around there. I saw some people who wear a chinese dress was selling something that made from China on the aisle.

After walked around I went to the box office to buy the ticket. Actually "TinTin" mean penis in Japan. This movie is screened another name as "TanTan" in Japan. But I wanted to watch the movie. When I bought the ticket, I couldn't stop loughing. It was complately comedy for me. At the last a box office staff said me enjoy TinTin. He gave the finish blow to me.

The Thieater wasn't crowded because it was around Friday noon and thank to the Chinese new year event. Of cause the movie doesn't have any adult shots. It was nice movie which is used awesome CG thqunics. I spent a nice time. Lately these CG technologies are improving. I'm lookig forward to watch the CG movie to know evolution of these CG tequnics.

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